Counselling for Employers

“İŞKUR’s full support for Employer”
Every Job and Vocational Counsellor has a portfolio of employers and it is established considering the sector, size and geographical location of a workplace. Workplaces of all different sizes and from all sectors are equally included in this portfolio.

Job and Vocational Counsellors visit employers included in their portfolios and assist them with regard to introducing İŞKUR services, receiving demand for labour force and carrying out operations related to İŞKUR.

Job and Vocational Counsellors assume the task of bringing together supply and demand sides of labour market by means of meeting the demands of employers who need qualified personnel. They provide a significant service to enable sustainable employment via meeting employers’ needs.

The Human Resources (HR) Platform has been established in the framework of Counselling for Employers. This platform is a specialised service of Counselling for Employers and its target group is workplaces that have a human resources department and minimum 10 employees. Through this platform, meetings, trainings and organisations are held by contacting Human Resources managers or employers of the firms in a closer and more effective way. Thanks to this platform, contact information of the managers/HR authorities of the HR Platform member firms in the provinces is updated. In this way, employers are informed in detail about the services of the Agency.

Job and Vocational Counsellors not only meet current needs of employers but also create a road map for them by determining the occupations they will need in future.