İŞKUR Delegation Visits Spanish Public Employment Service
Within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding and Action Plan signed between the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Türkiye and the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy of Spain, a delegation of the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) paid a study visit to the Spanish Public Employment Service (SEPE) in order to enhance the exchange of knowledge and experience between the two countries.
In the opening session of the visit held between 27 and 29 January 2025, Gizem Şen – the Counsellor at the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Madrid -, Gerardo Gutierrez Ardoy - SEPE Director General -, Jeronimo Serrano Vicente and María Antonia Agudo Riaza - Deputy Director Generals - accompanied the delegation.
In his opening speech, Engin Akyol – the Deputy Director General of İŞKUR - expressed the importance of the activities to be carried out between the agencies within the scope of the Memorandum of Understanding and Action Plan signed at the 8th Intergovernmental Summit held between the Ministries of the two countries, the contribution this will make to the experience exchange in the field of public employment services and the mutual learning opportunities this will create.
After the opening session, SEPE officials made presentations on employment activation policies services and programmes for priority consideration of disadvantaged people, trainings for women victims of violence and activities within the scope of Youth Guarantee organised across the European Union.
After the first day’s programme, İŞKUR delegation visited Nüket Küçükel Ezberci - the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Madrid - and held consultations with her.
On the second day, the Foundation for Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities was visited and information was exchanged on employment policies for people with disabilities and the activities carried out for the integration of immigrants into the labour market.
On the third day of the visit, the Centre for Guidance, Entrepreneurship, Accompaniment and Innovation of the Public Employment Service of the Community of Madrid was visited and the activities organised in the Madrid region regarding specialised services for disadvantaged groups were observed on site.
The study visit ended following the evaluation of the cooperation activities to be carried out in the upcoming period between the two countries regarding public employment services.