1/11/2021 2:57:03 PM

Our Minister, Mrs. Selçuk: “We give Online Training to 11,500 People in our Job Clubs”

Our Minister, Mrs. Selçuk mentioned that they gave motivation support to job seekers by means of intensified Job and Vocational Counselling service did not slow down training during the pandemic and their target was to extend the Job Clubs to 81 provinces until the end of 2021.

Our Minister, Mrs. Selçuk recalled that they supported millions of employees after the first coronavirus case in our country and transferred the face-to-face training in Job Clubs to online environment. Our Minister, Mrs. Selçuk indicated that the trainings for groups such as women, youth, disabled and ex-convicts requiring special policies in labour market continued and said that they were operating in 76 units in 68 provinces and their target was to extend Job Clubs over whole Turkey by the end of 2021.

Our Minister, Mrs. Selçuk stated that they were preparing job seekers for labour market in the scope of the intensified Job and Vocational Counselling Services provided by our Agency and added that they were training the participants about preparing CVs, career planning and job interview in the Job Club trainings.

Not Only Theoretical Trainings but Also Practical Trainings

Our Minister, Mrs. Selçuk shared the details of the training given in the Job Clubs and expressed that through the trainings which could be organised for maximum five days, they gave theoretical and practical trainings to participants about subjects such as knowing yourself and labour market, body language, interview techniques and Employer’s expectations. She added that they determined the contents of the trainings in line with the needs of the target group. Moreover, she indicated that they included employers in this training, enabled participation to interview simulations, and increased participants’ self-esteem and motivation by using methods such as group interview, individual study and peer review.

Our Minister, Mrs. Selçuk underlined that 11,500 people benefited from online trainings from June until the end of the year stating that they cooperated with organisations and institutions such as training institutions, Women Shelters, Child Support Centres, Probation Directorates, Public Education Centres and non-governmental organisations within the framework of the studies.

Our Activities Continue at Full Speed in Educational Institutions

Mrs. Selçuk stated that Job Club activities continued at full speed in educational institutions saying that as schools passed to online training, they also adapted to this process, 7,887 students participated to the online trainings organised at university level in 2020 and they supported career planning of students who graduated or continued their education in this process.